Sunday, August 15, 2010

Let's see

we've moved into the new place a little over 2 weeks ago. We have already seen some interesting shit and I survived my first night here alone. Nobody tried to break in and rape me! Victory!

Ha! JK...noteworthy things...threw away a ton of shit we did not need and watched other people sift through the dumpster for gems, nor could the stuff we threw away fit into our tiny 500 and something square feet apartment. Downstairs neighbor behaved like a drug addict but moved out a couple of days ago. New neighbors moved in. I saw one carrying a guitar. Sweet musicians, I hope they don't play their music too loud.

Also, Trevor's and my car broke down a week apart after moving in here. Like the universe was saying, hey you got a break on your rent so I'm gonna get money from you some other way! Funny isn't not really...god damn heat...standing around in a parking lot waiting for the tow truck...but thank goodness for Emergency Roadside Service and not having to pay for said road truck.

I also bought Orange Cat a scratch pad (we smuggled her in, so we wouldn't have to pay the deposit, which we ended up spending on our cars, its a wash) and poured catnip on it. She proceeded to have a kitty orgasm; rolling around on the pad and scratching was THE most adorable thing I've ever seen. I have a video of it but cannot figure out how to upload it. soon as I do, I will bring the delights of the Orange Cat to the world. My goal is to make her roll around on the scratch pad again! I don't know how but I will devise a plan.

Oh yes, one night Trevor and I decided to go buy an ice cream, actually thats not true I bribed Trevor to walk with me to go buy an ice cream. Anyways, we went to the creepy convenience store across the way. We walked in and there was a guy standing directly in front of us scratching his lottery ticket he just bought. There were also a few other ethnic looking gentlemen sitting in front of the door inside the store, just chilling as far as I could tell. We picked out our individual ice creams from the ice cream freezer section, then decided we should get a 40 to go with. On the door of the fridge containing the 40's, a sign was posted alerting customers that there was, "Vedio security cameras." I believe video was misspelled to reflect the accent of one of the men that owned the store. I'm not judging, I am observing. As we went to pay, I realized all the men that were hanging out were scratching lottery tickets. I'm assuming they would buy more tickets from the money they won with the original ticket in order to win it Big someday!

Moving was also a hellish ordeal and I do not wish to write anymore. Lets just say moving during a heatwave, I mean in hell, suckzzzzzz big hairy balls!!

Otherwise I'm happy and love love love living with my boy and his cat!