Friday, July 31, 2009


I feel like writing. I feel like moving. I feel like going to the gym but I'm not sure that is actually going to happen. I'm worried bout my financial situation. I'm in love for the first time in 3 years. I am now a dog owner. Many things seem terrifying lately. Some are so beautiful I feel as if I'm floating. I met with my brother today to give him the barstools I picked up for my dad. My brother is taking them to my dad tomorrow. But anyways, my brother and I had a great conversation. We don't talk much but when we do it flows. He's such an easy person to get along with. I'm blessed to have him in my life. I haven't heard from my boyfriend today. Apparently we're going on a double date tonight, goodness I've spent quite a bit of this summer drunk. Cheap and easy entertainment, for real! I start work next week. Not just going in when I feel like it. Waking up at an ungodly hour to be on time. Then coming home and passing out because I'm not use to being up so early, so it's going to be hard for me to fall asleep at an appropriate time. Plus my body will probably go into withdrawls because I won't be assaulting it with as much liquor as I've put into it this summer. My liver is probably damaged. I'd say 95% of my alcohol-fueled time this summer was awesome. Unfortunately I cry when wasted and at one point got very angry with my boyfriend. He still loves me! Score me! I'm just feeling slightly unfocused right now and I'm trying to find my balance again. Not working for ten weeks has been really weird but awesome. I'm glad I survived my summer without having to work at the coffee shop. The universe provides. Love and compassion.

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