Thursday, September 17, 2009

I went to the override meeting at my school tonight and heard some of the dumbest stuff. I'm not usually one to criticize. I love to preach love but when a parent says, "Can the school district wean itself off the 35 million dollars provided by the override?"...I'm shocked. Really?? Yeah, lets cut teacher's jobs, school supplies, and close schools because we don't have the staff to run them. That seems logical! Arizona is ranked as the 50th state in spending per student. That's as low as we can go. So yeah lets cut more money from the budget and provide our students with a quality education. Sounds awesome.

Honestly I hope this person is at least a little more knowledgable bout how an override works after tonight and does not make that suggestion again. This is why we need to educate people.

Friday, September 4, 2009

hello September!

When the heck did this happen? Apparently I've been having a lot of fun because time is flying. School rocks! 6th grade is my favorite grade ever to teach! I love it! Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday and I'm super stoked to be celebrating it with him. I believe this weekend is going to be silly but in an absolutely fucking fantastic way.
Plus I talked to my mom last night bout my home situation and she was amazingly supportive. I've definitely felt ashamed that I got myself in this situation but I can get myself out. It was nice to hear my mom say that she'd be there for me no matter what happened. I was honestly afraid of letting my parents down. I can't believe I'm 28 and I'm still worried about what my parents think of me. But there it is. It's still happening.
My dad also got to meet my boyfriend which was awesome. My dad didn't say a whole lot but when he did talk he was entertaining. Saying out right untrue things just to try to throw my boyfriend off. Speaking spanish to my bf, who speaks some, was also fun to listen to. I'm proud of my boyfriend for trying. I think he did really well. I believe my dad just appreciates when someone tries to speak spanish.
Okay! Off to take care of my dog and get ready to hang out with my boyfriend!
Yay me! Life rocks! I love you life!