Thursday, October 7, 2010

well hello

I guess its been over a month since I've written anything here. New developments...subbing occasionally, just started a job at a restaurant, going out less to save $$$$$...falling more in love with my boyfriend and his cat. Watching a shit ton of stupid life is awesome. Although winning the lottery or being given money from a long lost relative would make things somewhat nicer. I also bought a used bike. It's rad! I can ride it to work and other fun places that are close by. Alecia is back from traveling for a minute, which is fun for the ladies!

I've also looked into yoga teacher training. Its kind of a bummer though, I don't think I can afford it. My stupid car breaking down back in August drained my bank account. I felt pretty secure with money before that stupid situation. Now I'm definitely worried but money is really my only worry. Hopefully I keep getting the shifts at the restaurant and can get my bank account back to a healthy amount. If I get called to substitute tomorrow, I'm definitely taking it!

Wow...doing what I want instead of staying in a job at a place that was sucking the life out of me is kind of scary, honestly. I'm happy to not be working somewhere 5 days a week, where I felt like an outsider. It was disheartening. I didn't want to share or become close to anyone, cause it felt like they were all judging me. Now I like my jobs. I feel appreciated as a substitute and working as a hostess is actually fun. The people are friendly (for the most part) and work is pretty busy right now. Keeps me on my toes!

Well, now that we're caught up and I'm super tired since I just finished a 6 and a half hour shift, I'm going to join my already sleeping boyfriend. Oh sleep how I love you!

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