Thursday, June 25, 2009


Last night was a new step in my romantic relationship. This is only my second longest mature relationship. One of the great skills I've been able to learn in this relationship is communication. We have the best conversations about life, silliness, our similarities, etc. We've come to the mutual understanding that we can talk about anything. Our minds are open to our ideas. We have respect for each other. There is something beautiful when two people can express what they're thinking without fear of judgement.
I've been at a place in my life where I walked on eggshells around the person I loved. I was afraid to speak my mind, which also meant I was afraid to stand up for myself. I wasn't respected, so in turn I did not trust him.
In this relationship our ability to maturely communicate with each other has helped us respect and trust each other on a level that I've never experienced in a romantic relationship. I've learned so much about myself in this relationship. I can keep who I am, while still being part of a couple. I am not conceding to someone else's beliefs to appease them, therefore compromising my sense of self.
I feel this is true love. We have our flaws of course but it is all in one's perspective. We find a balance. We take care of each other's hearts and souls.
Love is beautiful.

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