Thursday, May 20, 2010

So apparently

I get angry and shout at my boyfriend when I get almost blackout/totally blackout drunk...whoops. Well that was not the only highlight of our Vegas trip...where to begin??

I drove most of the 5 hour drive to Vegas, which I was absolutely fine with. I LOVE to drive. I realize some people hate it but not me. Put me in my car and let me wander. I love driving!! Since there were 6 of us in a 5 person soccer mom suv, someone had to ride in the back the entire time. Poor Tyler was the first to endure the trunk. He got to share the space with a 30 pack of beer, an economy size box of granola bars, duffel bags, and pillows. Good thing Ty's not as big as Mat. Lucky Mat got to ride in the front passenger seat the entire time because of his height.

After I decided I couldn't drive anymore, Brian took the wheel, Ty moved to the middle seats with Audrey and Trevor and I moved to the back area. Thankfully I'm a small person and I was quite comfy! As we were passing over the Hoover Dam there were ridiculous people in silly outfits to mock. We all know we're going to hell so we like to amuse ourselves this way, whatever.

We also decided that as we got closer to the check point, I should climb over the seat and pretend to sit in the middle with my 3 other friends (one being my boyfriend, so I sat on his lap). We were afraid the cops were going to harass us if we weren't all buckled up. We are dumb. The cops didn't give a shit. A group of 20-something people driving towards Vegas, we're not terrorists, ha! They did have a super creepy van pulled over on the side of the road. That made us feel better. back to me yelling at my boyfriend. The whole reason this is absolutely ridiculous is the fact that alcohol was involved and emotions were running high. One of our friends got lost on the first night in Vegas and we were having trouble figuring out where he was. So Trevor and Mat went in search of Ty.

Audrey, Brian, and I decided we were going to find a club to dance at. Unbeknownst to me, because I was a drunken idiot, we ended up at the bar connected to our hotel. We're drinking and dancing and having a fabulous time, when I keep getting calls from Trevor.

I finally answer and he's upset with Ty and I'm not sure where we're at. I cannot tell him what club I'm at. To talk to Trevor I ventured outside of the club and when my call ended, I went to find Audrey and Brian. I could not spot them, way too drunk. At this point I decide to walk back to the hotel, except I do not realize I am steps away from the hotel I'm staying at. Doofus. So of course I do the safest thing possible, walk in the wrong direction down the Vegas strip towards the Excalibur. Maybe cause I'd been there earlier that night. Your guess is as good as mine! So I have no idea where I'm going. I repeatedly hang up on Trevor because I don't want him to save me. I want to get back to the hotel all by myself. I manage to walk over the bridge to the other side of the strip and at the bottom of the stairs, there is Trevor being ridiculously patient. What a lovely man. He is fantastic. I'm upset and crying because he is upset. His friend has cause some serious unnecessary drama for the evening, then his girlfriend gets herself lost.

Fortunately we are both able to realize that the whole misunderstanding was alcohol fueled and get over it quickly. The rest of the trip is lovely. Drinking and laying by the pool. Getting stared at by 12 year old boys because I've put on a few pounds and my boobs are the size of large grapefruits. hahaha...eating at a delicious all you can drink wine restaurant. Gambling and actually winning a few dollas!! And another 5 hour car ride back, sleeping in the back of the car. Thank you Brian and Trevor for driving us home!

love love love my boyfriend and friends!

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