Friday, May 28, 2010

So I'm not

an elementary school teacher anymore. I am now unemployed by choice. I'm waiting for my good friend Audrey to come over, so I can get laying by the pool started for the summer. I get a lump sum check at the end of the school year because I choose to spread my salary out. This is pretty awesome because it means I don't have to get a job RIGHT NOW but I would like to get one. I want to save as much of my check as possible for moving, traveling, and doing other fun stuff. I'm excited bout my prospects. My boyfriend's along for the ride. Hopefully we actually move in December. We're thinking either LA or Denver. I think I'd prefer Denver but I'd go to LA (the Lakers suckkkkk). I feel really free at the moment. Like I don't have to know what's going to happen in the next 5 minutes. I'm making an impromtu trip to Mexico tomorrow. Definitely wasn't planning on doing that. The idea was tossed in the air and shot down and now I'm going tomorrow. Plans are for suckas. No expectations. Just love!

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