Thursday, January 20, 2011

Good Morning!

nevermind, its actually afternoon. hahaha...I'm sooo funny! This whole sleeping in thing is getting out of control. I actually got out of bed at 11:30am but it seems that there are many days when I don't roll out of bed until noon or later. I feel like this is probably not something any other 29 year old person is doing. Although, I don't know any other 29 year old hostesses either. Plus I mostly work in the evening. Then I get home and am not ready to go to sleep. I enjoy a few drinks with my boyfriend. We talk and he plays COD. Its actually a rather enjoyable way of spending an evening.
Fortunately/unfortunately these evenings will probably come to an end soon. Trevor has a lead on a job! He starts Friday and he'll be given more details about what will be expected of him. I hope that it will be something that he enjoys or at least can tolerate.
I feel extremely peaceful in this lifestyle that my boyfriend and I are creating. I remember writing over a year ago, about how I wanted to wake up in the late morning and drink a cup of coffee. I enjoy slowly starting my day. I feel like I took an early part of my 20's and tried to be a person I was not, too adultish. Now I get to be who I want with a person who accepts ME!
Goals to be accomplished in no particular order:
Travel to as many different countries as possible
Move to another state
Buy new clothes
Become a yoga instructor
Go snowboarding
Jump out of an airplane again

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